10 Phobia Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Beserta Penjelasannya – Welcome back sahabat BDBI semua! Setelah sekian lama liburan ke ‘luar negeri’, mohon maaf admin baru bisa posting hari ini. #ngayal 😀
Well, langsung aja, pada kesempatan yang baik ini kita akan bersama-sama membahas mengenai phobia dalam bahasa Inggris. Tapi sebelumnya, apakah sahabat BDBI yang sedang membaca ini mempunyai phobia? Hayoo ngaku….?
Tapi, apasih phobia itu sebenarnya?
A. Pengertian Phobia
Dikutip dari phobics-society.org.uk, A phobia is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the individual has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place, or thing.
Maksudnya, phobia adalah rasa takut yang tidak dapat kita kontrol atau rasa takut yang tidak masuk akal terhadap situasi, tempat, ataupun benda-benda tertentu.
Sadar atau tidak, sebenarnya kita mempunyai ketakutan terhadap sesuatu, hanya saja tingkat ketakutannya berbeda-beda. Iya ga sih? Jujur deh… 😀
Nah, ketika rasa ketakutan itu terlalu berlebih dan tidak dapat kita kontrol, mungkin saja itu adalah sebuah phobia.
Menurut medicalnewstoday.com, Phobias are much more serious than simple fears. Jadi, phobia itu sebenarnya ketakutan yang cukup serius (berlebih) jika dibandingkan dengan ketakutan yang biasanya (masih bisa kita kontrol).
Bagaimana? Sudak cukup jelas bukan? Oh ya, satu lagi fakta menarik dari hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa, wanita memiliki kemungkinan lebih besar mempunyai phobia jika dibandingkan dengan pria. Kalo menurut sahabat BDBI gimana? 😀
Berikut ini admin telah merangkum 10 phobia dalam bahasa inggris beserta penjelasannya. Yuk akh langsung aja kita simak bersama-sama. Lets check it out!
10 Phobia Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Beserta Penjelasannya
1. Nyctophobia —> Fear of Darkness or Night
Nyctophobia ini adalalah salah satu phobia yang sering dirasakan atau dimiliki oleh anak-anak. Yup, Nyctophobia adalah ketakutan akan situasi yang gelap atau malam hari. Orang yang mempunyai ketakutan ini biasa disebut dengan Nyctophobic.
2. Acrophobia —> Fear of Heights
Jika sahabat mempunyai ketakutan akan ketinggian mungkin saja sahabat adalah seorang Acrophobic. Acrophobia adalah perasaan takut yang berlebih akan ketinggian. Bisa merasa pusing atau pening. Tapi, bukan vertigo lho ya…
Admin pribadi sih ada rasa takut akan ketinggian, tapi masih dalam batas wajar lah…masih bisa di kontrol. 😀
3. Agoraphobia —> Fear of Open Spaces or Crowded/Extremely Crowded
Mudah-mudahan tidak ada satu pun sahabat BDBI yang mempunyai phobia yang satu ini. 😀 Kalo ada? Waduuh…sayang banget. Karena, para Agoraphobics sangat takut ketika berada di keramaian atau tempat-tempat yang terbuka.
Jadi, bakalan susah kalo pegi-pegi ketempat yang rame… Gak cocok banget buat sahabat yang suka travelling. #hahaa Bahkan di level yang akut, Agoraphobia ini bahkan takut untuk naik bus, kereta api, atau bahkan pagi ke mall. Jadi ga bisa shopping deh… 😀
4. Arachnophobia —> Fear of Spider
Arachnophobia adalah phobia terhadap hewan laba-laba. Biasanya rasa takut yang ditimbulkan bisa membuat keringet dingin.
Arachnophobic biasanya adalah seorang wanita meskipun adapula laki-laki yang termasuk kedalamnya. Bahkan, seorang Arachnophobic yang ‘super’, bisa pingsan walau hanya melihat gambar dari seekor laba-laba. #kasianjuga 😀
5. Bathophobia —> Fear of Depth
Bathophobia adalah rasa takut yang berlebih ketika berada di tempat-tempat yang dalam. Bathophobic biasanya akan menghindari tempat-tempat yang dalem, seperti; pergi ke goa, ke kereta bawah tanah, atau bahkan ke kolam. Kalo sahabat BDBI gimana? Gak dong…?
6. Claustrophobia —> Fear of Entering encloses or small room
Nah kalo yang satu ini, phobia atau rasa takut ketika memasuki tempat-tempat (ruangan) yang sempit atau kecil. Claustrophobic biasanya akan menghindari untuk naik lift. Wow? Jadi ga kebayang kalo musti nginep di hotel yang kamarnya di lantai 20. Hahaa -_- mau naek tangga darurat? Gempor deh…. Mending nyari hotel lain aja, kalo bisa jangan yang tingkat. 😀
7. Iatrophobia —> Fear of Visiting Doctors
Iatrophobia ini biasanya sering muncul karena pada saat masih kecil sering di takut-takutin dengan kata ‘dokter’. Pernah gak sahabat denger ada orang tua yang bilang ke anaknya…
- ‘Ayo nak….makan dulu… kalo ga makan, nanti di suntik dokter lho….’
Nah, kalo tiap mau makan digituin? Dijamin…. Gedenya tu anak bakalan menjadi Iatrophobic sejati… 😀 Rasa takut untuk pergi ke dokter (Iatrophobia) ini memang agak unik dan terkesan konyol, tapi jangan salah….memang ada lho orang yang sangat takut untuk pergi ke dokter… jadi admin gak ngarang-ngarang lho ya. 😀
8. Gamophobia —> Fear of Marriages or Commitments
Untuk sahabat BDBI yang pernah nonton film nya Julia Robert yang berjudul Run Away Bridge mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan phobia yang satu ini.
Gamophobia adalah rasa takut atau kekhawatiran yang berlebih untuk menjalin ikata suami istri. Atau dengan kata lain takut untuk menikah. Phobia ini bisa menyerang baik wanita maupun pria. What? Ada ya?
Yup, ternyata Gamophobics ini memang ada lho… mungkin mereka berfikir bahwa menikah hanya akan menghambat kehidupan atau karir mereka. Nah lho… semoga pada ‘jomblo akut’ yang sedang membaca ini nantinya gak bakalan jadi Gamophobic sejati. 😀 Para Jones langsung Spot Jantung. #bcanda
9. Xenophobia —> Fear of Strangers or Foreigners
Xenophobia adalah ketakutan yang berlebihan terhadap orang orang asing atau orang yang baru dikenal. Jadi, bisa dibayangkan apabila Xenophobic ini mau pergi ke tempat wisata? Setiap langkah mungkin bakalan pingsan karena ketemu orang asing terus. -_-
10. Phasmophobia —> Fear of Ghost
Phobia yang terakhir ini sih menurut admin pribadi hampir dimiliki oleh semua orang, hanya tergantung tingkat keimanannya saja. 😀 Lho kok?
Yup, Phasmophobia adalah ketakutan yang berlebih terhadap hantu. Pada level yang ‘gawat’, para Phasmophobics bahkan bisa pingsan ketika menonton film Casper. #parah 😀
*Casper: Salah satu tokoh kartun yang berperan sebagai hantu.
B. Daftar Phobia dalam Bahasa Inggris
Nah, gimana? Apakah dari 10 phobias diatas ada yang sahabat BDBI punyai? Semoga saja tidak. 😀 Berita baiknya, kalopun punya, semua phobia sebenarnya bisa diobati dengan terapi lho…:D
Berita buruknya, masih ada ratusan phobia lainnya yang mungkin saja sahabat BDBI sedang alami… Bakhan ada phobia yang takut untuk masuk surge. What?! Gak percaya? Silahkan lihat pada tabel berikut ini:
Daftar Phobia Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap dari A-Z English Version
*Ketik phobia yang ingin sahabat cari pada kotak pencarian 😀
No. | Phobias | Meaning |
1 | Ablutophobia | Fear of washing or bathing. |
2 | Acarophobia | Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. |
3 | Acerophobia | Fear of sourness. |
4 | Achluophobia | Fear of darkness. |
5 | Acousticophobia | Fear of noise. |
6 | Acrophobia | Fear of heights. |
7 | Aeroacrophobia | Fear of open high places. |
8 | Aeronausiphobia | Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness. |
9 | Aerophobia | Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. |
10 | Agateophobia | Fear of insanity. |
11 | Agliophobia | Fear of pain. |
12 | Agoraphobia | Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. |
13 | Agraphobia | Fear of sexual abuse. |
14 | Agrizoophobia | Fear of wild animals. |
15 | Agyrophobia | Fear of streets or crossing the street. |
16 | Aichmophobia | Fear of needles or pointed objects. |
17 | Ailurophobia | Fear of cats. |
18 | Albuminurophobia | Fear of kidney disease. |
19 | Alektorophobia | Fear of chickens. |
20 | Algophobia | Fear of pain. |
21 | Alliumphobia | Fear of garlic. |
22 | Allodoxaphobia | Fear of opinions. |
23 | Altophobia | Fear of heights. |
24 | Amathophobia | Fear of dust. |
25 | Amaxophobia | Fear of riding in a car. |
26 | Ambulophobia | Fear of walking. |
27 | Amnesiphobia | Fear of amnesia. |
28 | Amychophobia | Fear of scratches or being scratched. |
29 | Anablephobia | Fear of looking up. |
30 | Ancraophobia | Fear of wind. (Anemophobia) |
31 | Androphobia | Fear of men. |
32 | Anemophobia | Fear of air drafts or wind.(Ancraophobia) |
33 | Anginophobia | Fear of angina, choking or narrowness. |
34 | Anglophobia | Fear of England or English culture, etc. |
35 | Angrophobia | Fear of anger or of becoming angry. |
36 | Ankylophobia | Fear of immobility of a joint. |
37 | Anthrophobia or Anthophobia | Fear of flowers. |
38 | Anthropophobia | Fear of people or society. |
39 | Antlophobia | Fear of floods. |
40 | Anuptaphobia | Fear of staying single. |
41 | Apeirophobia | Fear of infinity. |
42 | Aphenphosmphobia | Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia) |
43 | Apiphobia | Fear of bees. |
44 | Apotemnophobia | Fear of persons with amputations. |
45 | Arachibutyrophobia | Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. |
46 | Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders. |
47 | Arithmophobia | Fear of numbers. |
48 | Arrhenphobia | Fear of men. |
49 | Arsonphobia | Fear of fire. |
50 | Asthenophobia | Fear of fainting or weakness. |
51 | Astraphobia or Astrapophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia) |
52 | Astrophobia | Fear of stars or celestial space. |
53 | Asymmetriphobia | Fear of asymmetrical things. |
54 | Ataxiophobia | Fear of ataxia. (muscular incoordination) |
55 | Ataxophobia | Fear of disorder or untidiness. |
56 | Atelophobia | Fear of imperfection. |
57 | Atephobia | Fear of ruin or ruins. |
58 | Athazagoraphobia | Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting. |
59 | Atomosophobia | Fear of atomic explosions. |
60 | Atychiphobia | Fear of failure. |
61 | Aulophobia | Fear of flutes. |
62 | Aurophobia | Fear of gold. |
63 | Auroraphobia | Fear of Northern lights. |
64 | Autodysomophobia | Fear of one that has a vile odor. |
65 | Automatonophobia | Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues anything that falsly represents a sentient being. |
66 | Automysophobia | Fear of being dirty. |
67 | Autophobia | Fear of being alone or of oneself. |
68 | Aviophobia or Aviatophobia | Fear of flying. |
69 | Bacillophobia | Fear of microbes. |
70 | Bacteriophobia | Fear of bacteria. |
71 | Ballistophobia | Fear of missiles or bullets. |
72 | Barophobia | Fear of gravity. |
73 | Basophobia or Basiphobia | Inability to stand. Fear of walking or falling. |
74 | Bathmophobia | Fear of stairs or steep slopes. |
75 | Bathophobia | Fear of depth. |
76 | Batophobia | Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. |
77 | Batrachophobia | Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. |
78 | Belonephobia | Fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia) |
79 | Bibliophobia | Fear of books. |
80 | Blennophobia | Fear of slime. |
81 | Bogyphobia | Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. |
82 | Bolshephobia | Fear of Bolsheviks. |
83 | Botanophobia | Fear of plants. |
84 | Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia | Fear of body smells. |
85 | Brontophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning. |
86 | Bufonophobia | Fear of toads. |
87 | Cacophobia | Fear of ugliness. |
88 | Cainophobia or Cainotophobia | Fear of newness, novelty. |
89 | Caligynephobia | Fear of beautiful women. |
90 | Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia | Fear of cancer. |
91 | Cardiophobia | Fear of the heart. |
92 | Carnophobia | Fear of meat. |
93 | Catagelophobia | Fear of being ridiculed. |
94 | Catapedaphobia | Fear of jumping from high and low places. |
95 | Cathisophobia | Fear of sitting. |
96 | Catoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors. |
97 | Cenophobia or Centophobia | Fear of new things or ideas. |
98 | Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia) |
99 | Chaetophobia | Fear of hair. |
100 | Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia | Fear of cold.(Frigophobia, Psychophobia) |
101 | Chemophobia | Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals. |
102 | Cherophobia | Fear of gaiety. |
103 | Chionophobia | Fear of snow. |
104 | Chiraptophobia | Fear of being touched. |
105 | Chirophobia | Fear of hands. |
106 | Chiroptophobia | Fear of bats. |
107 | Cholerophobia | Fear of anger or the fear of cholera. |
108 | Chorophobia | Fear of dancing. |
109 | Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia | Fear of money. |
110 | Chromophobia or Chromatophobia | Fear of colors. |
111 | Chronomentrophobia | Fear of clocks. |
112 | Chronophobia | Fear of time. |
113 | Cibophobia | Fear of food.(Sitophobia, Sitiophobia) |
114 | Claustrophobia | Fear of confined spaces. |
115 | Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia | Fear of being locked in an enclosed place. |
116 | Cleptophobia | Fear of stealing. |
117 | Climacophobia | Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. |
118 | Clinophobia | Fear of going to bed. |
119 | Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia | Fear of being enclosed. |
120 | Cnidophobia | Fear of stings. |
121 | Coimetrophobia | Fear of cemeteries. |
122 | Coitophobia | Fear of coitus. |
123 | Cometophobia | Fear of comets. |
124 | Consecotaleophobia | Fear of chopsticks. |
125 | Contreltophobia | Fear of sexual abuse. |
126 | Coprastasophobia | Fear of constipation. |
127 | Coprophobia | Fear of feces. |
128 | Coulrophobia | Fear of clowns. |
129 | Counterphobia | The preference by a phobic for fearful situations. |
130 | Cremnophobia | Fear of precipices. |
131 | Cryophobia | Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost. |
132 | Crystallophobia | Fear of crystals or glass. |
133 | Cyberphobia | Fear of computers or working on a computer. |
134 | Cyclophobia | Fear of bicycles. |
135 | Cymophobia or Kymophobia | Fear of waves or wave like motions. |
136 | Cynophobia | Fear of dogs or rabies. |
137 | Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia | Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease. |
138 | Decidophobia | Fear of making decisions. |
139 | Defecaloesiophobia | Fear of painful bowels movements. |
140 | Deipnophobia | Fear of dining or dinner conversations. |
141 | Dementophobia | Fear of insanity. |
142 | Demonophobia or Daemonophobia | Fear of demons. |
143 | Demophobia | Fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia) |
144 | Dendrophobia | Fear of trees. |
145 | Dentophobia | Fear of dentists. |
146 | Dermatophobia | Fear of skin lesions. |
147 | Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia | Fear of skin disease. |
148 | Dextrophobia | Fear of objects at the right side of the body. |
149 | Diabetophobia | Fear of diabetes. |
150 | Didaskaleinophobia | Fear of going to school. |
151 | Dikephobia | Fear of justice. |
152 | Dinophobia | Fear of dizziness or whirlpools. |
153 | Diplophobia | Fear of double vision. |
154 | Dipsophobia | Fear of drinking. |
155 | Dishabiliophobia | Fear of undressing in front of someone. |
156 | Disposophobia | Fear of throwing stuff out. Hoarding. |
157 | Domatophobia | Fear of houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, Oikophobia) |
158 | Doraphobia | Fear of fur or skins of animals. |
159 | Doxophobia | Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise. |
160 | Dromophobia | Fear of crossing streets. |
161 | Dutchphobia | Fear of the Dutch. |
162 | Dysmorphophobia | Fear of deformity. |
163 | Dystychiphobia | Fear of accidents. |
164 | Ecclesiophobia | Fear of church. |
165 | Ecophobia | Fear of home. |
166 | Eicophobia | Fear of home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Oikophobia) |
167 | Eisoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. |
168 | Electrophobia | Fear of electricity. |
169 | Eleutherophobia | Fear of freedom. |
170 | Elurophobia | Fear of cats. (Ailurophobia) |
171 | Emetophobia | Fear of vomiting. |
172 | Enetophobia | Fear of pins. |
173 | Enochlophobia | Fear of crowds. |
174 | Enosiophobia or Enissophobia | Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. |
175 | Entomophobia | Fear of insects. |
176 | Eosophobia | Fear of dawn or daylight. |
177 | Ephebiphobia | Fear of teenagers. |
178 | Epistaxiophobia | Fear of nosebleeds. |
179 | Epistemophobia | Fear of knowledge. |
180 | Equinophobia | Fear of horses. |
181 | Eremophobia | Fear of being oneself or of lonliness. |
182 | Ereuthrophobia | Fear of blushing. |
183 | Ergasiophobia | 1) Fear of work or functioning. 2) Surgeon's fear of operating. |
184 | Ergophobia | Fear of work. |
185 | Erotophobia | Fear of sexual love or sexual questions. |
186 | Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia | 1) Fear of redlights. 2) Blushing. 3) Red. |
187 | Euphobia | Fear of hearing good news. |
188 | Eurotophobia | Fear of female genitalia. |
189 | Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia | Fear of fever. |
190 | Felinophobia | Fear of cats. (Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia) |
191 | Francophobia | Fear of France or French culture. (Gallophobia, Galiophobia) |
192 | Frigophobia | Fear of cold or cold things.(Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia) |
193 | Galeophobia or Gatophobia | Fear of cats. |
194 | Gallophobia or Galiophobia | Fear France or French culture. (Francophobia) |
195 | Gamophobia | Fear of marriage. |
196 | Geliophobia | Fear of laughter. |
197 | Gelotophobia | Fear of being laughed at. |
198 | Geniophobia | Fear of chins. |
199 | Genophobia | Fear of sex. |
200 | Genuphobia | Fear of knees. |
201 | Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia | Fear of crossing bridges. |
202 | Gerascophobia | Fear of growing old. |
203 | Germanophobia | Fear of Germany or German culture. |
204 | Gerontophobia | Fear of old people or of growing old. |
205 | Geumaphobia or Geumophobia | Fear of taste. |
206 | Glossophobia | Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. |
207 | Gnosiophobia | Fear of knowledge. |
208 | Graphophobia | Fear of writing or handwriting. |
209 | Gymnophobia | Fear of nudity. |
210 | Gynephobia or Gynophobia | Fear of women. |
211 | Hadephobia | Fear of hell. |
212 | Hagiophobia | Fear of saints or holy things. |
213 | Hamartophobia | Fear of sinning. |
214 | Haphephobia or Haptephobia | Fear of being touched. |
215 | Harpaxophobia | Fear of being robbed. |
216 | Hedonophobia | Fear of feeling pleasure. |
217 | Heliophobia | Fear of the sun. |
218 | Hellenologophobia | Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology. |
219 | Helminthophobia | Fear of being infested with worms. |
220 | Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia | Fear of blood. |
221 | Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia | Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation. |
222 | Herpetophobia | Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things. |
223 | Heterophobia | Fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia) |
224 | Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia | Fear of the number 666. |
225 | Hierophobia | Fear of priests or sacred things. |
226 | Hippophobia | Fear of horses. |
227 | Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia | Fear of long words. |
228 | Hobophobia | Fear of bums or beggars. |
229 | Hodophobia | Fear of road travel. |
230 | Homichlophobia | Fear of fog. |
231 | Homilophobia | Fear of sermons. |
232 | Hominophobia | Fear of men. |
233 | Homophobia | Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. |
234 | Hoplophobia | Fear of firearms. |
235 | Hormephobia | Fear of shock. |
236 | Hydrargyophobia | Fear of mercurial medicines. |
237 | Hydrophobia | Fear of water or of rabies. |
238 | Hydrophobophobia | Fear of rabies. |
239 | Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia | Fear of glass. |
240 | Hygrophobia | Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture. |
241 | Hylephobia | Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy. |
242 | Hylophobia | Fear of forests. |
243 | Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia | Fear of responsibility. |
244 | Hypnophobia | Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized. |
245 | Hypsiphobia | Fear of height. |
246 | Iatrophobia | Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors. |
247 | Ichthyophobia | Fear of fish. |
248 | Ideophobia | Fear of ideas. |
249 | Illyngophobia | Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. |
250 | Insectophobia | Fear of insects. |
251 | Iophobia | Fear of poison. |
252 | Isolophobia | Fear of solitude, being alone. |
253 | Isopterophobia | Fear of termites, insects that eat wood. |
254 | Ithyphallophobia | Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. |
255 | Japanophobia | Fear of Japanese. |
256 | Judeophobia | Fear of Jews. |
257 | Kainolophobia or Kainophobia | Fear of anything new, novelty. |
258 | Kakorrhaphiophobia | Fear of failure or defeat. |
259 | Katagelophobia | Fear of ridicule. |
260 | Kathisophobia | Fear of sitting down. |
261 | Katsaridaphobia | Fear of cockroaches. |
262 | Kenophobia | Fear of voids or empty spaces. |
263 | Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia) |
264 | Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia | Fear of movement or motion. |
265 | Kleptophobia | Fear of stealing. |
266 | Koinoniphobia | Fear of rooms. |
267 | Kolpophobia | Fear of genitals, particularly female. |
268 | Koniophobia | Fear of dust. (Amathophobia) |
269 | Kopophobia | Fear of fatigue. |
270 | Kosmikophobia | Fear of cosmic phenomenon. |
271 | Kymophobia | Fear of waves. (Cymophobia) |
272 | Kynophobia | Fear of rabies. |
273 | Kyphophobia | Fear of stooping. |
274 | Lachanophobia | Fear of vegetables. |
275 | Laliophobia or Lalophobia | Fear of speaking. |
276 | Leprophobia or Lepraphobia | Fear of leprosy. |
277 | Leukophobia | Fear of the color white. |
278 | Levophobia | Fear of things to the left side of the body. |
279 | Ligyrophobia | Fear of loud noises. |
280 | Lilapsophobia | Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. |
281 | Limnophobia | Fear of lakes. |
282 | Linonophobia | Fear of string. |
283 | Liticaphobia | Fear of lawsuits. |
284 | Lockiophobia | Fear of childbirth. |
285 | Logizomechanophobia | Fear of computers. |
286 | Logophobia | Fear of words. |
287 | Luiphobia | Fear of lues, syphillis. |
288 | Lutraphobia | Fear of otters. |
289 | Lygophobia | Fear of darkness. |
290 | Lyssophobia | Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. |
291 | Macrophobia | Fear of long waits. |
292 | Mageirocophobia | Fear of cooking. |
293 | Maieusiophobia | Fear of childbirth. |
294 | Malaxophobia | Fear of love play. (Sarmassophobia) |
295 | Maniaphobia | Fear of insanity. |
296 | Mastigophobia | Fear of punishment. |
297 | Mechanophobia | Fear of machines. |
298 | Medomalacuphobia | Fear of losing an erection. |
299 | Medorthophobia | Fear of an erect penis. |
300 | Megalophobia | Fear of large things. |
301 | Melanophobia | Fear of the color black. |
302 | Melissophobia | Fear of bees. |
303 | Melophobia | Fear or hatred of music. |
304 | Meningitophobia | Fear of brain disease. |
305 | Menophobia | Fear of menstruation. |
306 | Merinthophobia | Fear of being bound or tied up. |
307 | Metallophobia | Fear of metal. |
308 | Metathesiophobia | Fear of changes. |
309 | Meteorophobia | Fear of meteors. |
310 | Methyphobia | Fear of alcohol. |
311 | Metrophobia | Fear or hatred of poetry. |
312 | Microbiophobia | Fear of microbes. (Bacillophobia) |
313 | Microphobia | Fear of small things. |
314 | Misophobia or Mysophobia | Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs. |
315 | Mnemophobia | Fear of memories. |
316 | Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia | Fear of dirt or contamination. |
317 | Monopathophobia | Fear of definite disease. |
318 | Monophobia | Fear of solitude or being alone. |
319 | Motorphobia | Fear of automobiles. |
320 | Mottephobia | Fear of moths. |
321 | Musophobia or Muriphobia | Fear of mice. |
322 | Mycophobia | Fear or aversion to mushrooms. |
323 | Mycrophobia | Fear of small things. |
324 | Myctophobia | Fear of darkness. |
325 | Myrmecophobia | Fear of ants. |
326 | Mythophobia | Fear of myths or stories or false statements. |
327 | Myxophobia | Fear of slime. (Blennophobia) |
328 | Nebulaphobia | Fear of fog. (Homichlophobia) |
329 | Necrophobia | Fear of death or dead things. |
330 | Nelophobia | Fear of glass. |
331 | Neopharmaphobia | Fear of new drugs. |
332 | Neophobia | Fear of anything new. |
333 | Nephophobia | Fear of clouds. |
334 | Noctiphobia | Fear of the night. |
335 | Nomatophobia | Fear of names. |
336 | Nosocomephobia | Fear of hospitals. |
337 | Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia | Fear of becoming ill. |
338 | Nostophobia | Fear of returning home. |
339 | Novercaphobia | Fear of your step-mother. |
340 | Nucleomituphobia | Fear of nuclear weapons. |
341 | Nudophobia | Fear of nudity. |
342 | Numerophobia | Fear of numbers. |
343 | Nyctohylophobia | Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night |
344 | Nyctophobia | Fear of the dark or of night. |
345 | Obesophobia | Fear of gaining weight.(Pocrescophobia) |
346 | Ochlophobia | Fear of crowds or mobs. |
347 | Ochophobia | Fear of vehicles. |
348 | Octophobia | Fear of the figure 8. |
349 | Odontophobia | Fear of teeth or dental surgery. |
350 | Odynophobia or Odynephobia | Fear of pain. (Algophobia) |
351 | Oenophobia | Fear of wines. |
352 | Oikophobia | Fear of home surroundings, house.(Domatophobia, Eicophobia) |
353 | Olfactophobia | Fear of smells. |
354 | Ombrophobia | Fear of rain or of being rained on. |
355 | Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia | Fear of eyes. |
356 | Omphalophobia | Fear of belly buttons. |
357 | Oneirogmophobia | Fear of wet dreams. |
358 | Oneirophobia | Fear of dreams. |
359 | Onomatophobia | Fear of hearing a certain word or of names. |
360 | Ophidiophobia | Fear of snakes. (Snakephobia) |
361 | Ophthalmophobia | Fear of being stared at. |
362 | Opiophobia | Fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients. |
363 | Optophobia | Fear of opening one's eyes. |
364 | Ornithophobia | Fear of birds. |
365 | Orthophobia | Fear of property. |
366 | Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia | Fear of smells or odors. |
367 | Ostraconophobia | Fear of shellfish. |
368 | Ouranophobia or Uranophobia | Fear of heaven. |
369 | Pagophobia | Fear of ice or frost. |
370 | Panophobia or Pantophobia | Fear of everything. |
371 | Panthophobia | Fear of suffering and disease. |
372 | Papaphobia | Fear of the Pope. |
373 | Papyrophobia | Fear of paper. |
374 | Paralipophobia | Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility. |
375 | Paraphobia | Fear of sexual perversion. |
376 | Parasitophobia | Fear of parasites. |
377 | Paraskavedekatriaphobia | Fear of Friday the 13th. |
378 | Parthenophobia | Fear of virgins or young girls. |
379 | Parturiphobia | Fear of childbirth. |
380 | Pathophobia | Fear of disease. |
381 | Patroiophobia | Fear of heredity. |
382 | Peccatophobia | Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. |
383 | Pediculophobia | Fear of lice. |
384 | Pediophobia | Fear of dolls. |
385 | Pedophobia | Fear of children. |
386 | Peladophobia | Fear of bald people. |
387 | Pellagrophobia | Fear of pellagra. |
388 | Peniaphobia | Fear of poverty. |
389 | Pentheraphobia | Fear of mother-in-law. (Novercaphobia) |
390 | Phagophobia | Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. |
391 | Phalacrophobia | Fear of becoming bald. |
392 | Phallophobia | Fear of a penis, esp erect. |
393 | Pharmacophobia | Fear of taking medicine. |
394 | Pharmacophobia | Fear of drugs. |
395 | Phasmophobia | Fear of ghosts. |
396 | Phengophobia | Fear of daylight or sunshine. |
397 | Philemaphobia or Philematophobia | Fear of kissing. |
398 | Philophobia | Fear of falling in love or being in love. |
399 | Philosophobia | Fear of philosophy. |
400 | Phobophobia | Fear of phobias. |
401 | Phonophobia | Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones. |
402 | Photoaugliaphobia | Fear of glaring lights. |
403 | Photophobia | Fear of light. |
404 | Phronemophobia | Fear of thinking. |
405 | Phthiriophobia | Fear of lice. (Pediculophobia) |
406 | Phthisiophobia | Fear of tuberculosis. |
407 | Placophobia | Fear of tombstones. |
408 | Plutophobia | Fear of wealth. |
409 | Pluviophobia | Fear of rain or of being rained on. |
410 | Pneumatiphobia | Fear of spirits. |
411 | Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia | Fear of choking of being smothered. |
412 | Pocrescophobia | Fear of gaining weight. (Obesophobia) |
413 | Pogonophobia | Fear of beards. |
414 | Poinephobia | Fear of punishment. |
415 | Poliosophobia | Fear of contracting poliomyelitis. |
416 | Politicophobia | Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians. |
417 | Polyphobia | Fear of many things. |
418 | Ponophobia | Fear of overworking or of pain. |
419 | Porphyrophobia | Fear of the color purple. |
420 | Potamophobia | Fear of rivers or running water. |
421 | Potophobia | Fear of alcohol. |
422 | Proctophobia | Fear of rectums. |
423 | Prosophobia | Fear of progress. |
424 | Psellismophobia | Fear of stuttering. |
425 | Psychophobia | Fear of mind. |
426 | Psychrophobia | Fear of cold. |
427 | Pteromerhanophobia | Fear of flying. |
428 | Pteronophobia | Fear of being tickled by feathers. |
429 | Pupaphobia | Fear of puppets. |
430 | Pyrexiophobia | Fear of Fever. |
431 | Pyrophobia | Fear of fire. |
432 | Quadraphobia | fear of the number four. |
433 | Quadriplegiphobia | fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic. |
434 | Quintaphobia | fear of the number five. |
435 | Radiophobia | Fear of radiation, x-rays. |
436 | Ranidaphobia | Fear of frogs. |
437 | Rectophobia | Fear of rectum or rectal diseases. |
438 | Rhabdophobia | Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand) |
439 | Rhypophobia | Fear of defecation. |
440 | Rhytiphobia | Fear of getting wrinkles. |
441 | Rupophobia | Fear of dirt. |
442 | Russophobia | Fear of Russians. |
443 | Samhainophobia | Fear of Halloween. |
444 | Sarmassophobia | Fear of love play. (Malaxophobia) |
445 | Satanophobia | Fear of Satan. |
446 | Scabiophobia | Fear of scabies. |
447 | Scatophobia | Fear of fecal matter. |
448 | Scelerophibia | Fear of bad men, burglars. |
449 | Sciophobia Sciaphobia | Fear of shadows. |
450 | Scoleciphobia | Fear of worms. |
451 | Scolionophobia | Fear of school. |
452 | Scopophobia or Scoptophobia | Fear of being seen or stared at. |
453 | Scotomaphobia | Fear of blindness in visual field. |
454 | Scotophobia | Fear of darkness. (Achluophobia) |
455 | Scriptophobia | Fear of writing in public. |
456 | Selachophobia | Fear of sharks. |
457 | Selaphobia | Fear of light flashes. |
458 | Selenophobia | Fear of the moon. |
459 | Seplophobia | Fear of decaying matter. |
460 | Sesquipedalophobia | Fear of long words. |
461 | Sexophobia | Fear of the opposite sex. (Heterophobia) |
462 | Siderodromophobia | Fear of trains, railroads or train travel. |
463 | Siderophobia | Fear of stars. |
464 | Sinistrophobia | Fear of things to the left or left-handed. |
465 | Sinophobia | Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture. |
466 | Sitophobia or Sitiophobia | Fear of food or eating. (Cibophobia) |
467 | Snakephobia | Fear of snakes. (Ophidiophobia) |
468 | Soceraphobia | Fear of parents-in-law. |
469 | Social Phobia | Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. |
470 | Sociophobia | Fear of society or people in general. |
471 | Somniphobia | Fear of sleep. |
472 | Sophophobia | Fear of learning. |
473 | Soteriophobia | Fear of dependence on others. |
474 | Spacephobia | Fear of outer space. |
475 | Spectrophobia | Fear of specters or ghosts. |
476 | Spermatophobia or Spermophobia | Fear of germs. |
477 | Spheksophobia | Fear of wasps. |
478 | Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia | Fear of standing or walking. (Ambulophobia) |
479 | Staurophobia | Fear of crosses or the crucifix. |
480 | Stenophobia | Fear of narrow things or places. |
481 | Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia | Fear of hell. |
482 | Suriphobia | Fear of mice. |
483 | Symbolophobia | Fear of symbolism. |
484 | Symmetrophobia | Fear of symmetry. |
485 | Syngenesophobia | Fear of relatives. |
486 | Syphilophobia | Fear of syphilis. |
487 | Tachophobia | Fear of speed. |
488 | Taeniophobia or Teniophobia | Fear of tapeworms. |
489 | Taphephobia Taphophobia | Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. |
490 | Tapinophobia | Fear of being contagious. |
491 | Taurophobia | Fear of bulls. |
492 | Technophobia | Fear of technology. |
493 | Teleophobia | 1) Fear of definite plans. 2) Religious ceremony. |
494 | Telephonophobia | Fear of telephones. |
495 | Teratophobia | Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. |
496 | Testophobia | Fear of taking tests. |
497 | Tetanophobia | Fear of lockjaw, tetanus. |
498 | Teutophobia | Fear of German or German things. |
499 | Textophobia | Fear of certain fabrics. |
500 | Thaasophobia | Fear of sitting. |
501 | Thalassophobia | Fear of the sea. |
502 | Thanatophobia or Thantophobia | Fear of death or dying. |
503 | Theatrophobia | Fear of theatres. |
504 | Theologicophobia | Fear of theology. |
505 | Theophobia | Fear of gods or religion. |
506 | Thermophobia | Fear of heat. |
507 | Tocophobia | Fear of pregnancy or childbirth. |
508 | Tomophobia | Fear of surgical operations. |
509 | Tonitrophobia | Fear of thunder. |
510 | Topophobia | Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. |
511 | Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia | Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned. |
512 | Traumatophobia | Fear of injury. |
513 | Tremophobia | Fear of trembling. |
514 | Trichinophobia | Fear of trichinosis. |
515 | Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia | Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia) |
516 | Triskaidekaphobia | Fear of the number 13. |
517 | Tropophobia | Fear of moving or making changes. |
518 | Trypanophobia | Fear of injections. |
519 | Tuberculophobia | Fear of tuberculosis. |
520 | Tyrannophobia | Fear of tyrants. |
521 | Uranophobia or Ouranophobia | Fear of heaven. |
522 | Urophobia | Fear of urine or urinating. |
523 | Vaccinophobia | Fear of vaccination. |
524 | Venustraphobia | Fear of beautiful women. |
525 | Verbophobia | Fear of words. |
526 | Verminophobia | Fear of germs. |
527 | Vestiphobia | Fear of clothing. |
528 | Virginitiphobia | Fear of rape. |
529 | Vitricophobia | Fear of step-father. |
530 | Walloonphobia | Fear of the Walloons. |
531 | Wiccaphobia | Fear of witches and witchcraft. |
532 | Xanthophobia | Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. |
533 | Xenoglossophobia | Fear of foreign languages. |
534 | Xenophobia | Fear of strangers or foreigners. |
535 | Xerophobia | Fear of dryness. |
536 | Xylophobia | 1) Fear of wooden objects. 2) Forests. |
537 | Xyrophobia | Fear of razors. |
538 | Zelophobia | Fear of jealousy. |
539 | Zemmiphobia | Fear of the great mole rat. |
540 | Zeusophobia | Fear of God or gods. |
541 | Zoophobia | Fear of animals. |
Daftar Phobia Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap dari A-Z Indonesian Version
*Ketik phobia yang ingin sahabat cari pada kotak pencarian 😀
No | Rasa Takut | Nama Phobia | Nama Penderitanya |
1 | Takut untuk mandi atau mencuci | Ablutophobia | Ablutophobic |
2 | Takut akan rasa gatel atau serangga yang membuat gatel | Acarophobia | Acarophobic |
3 | Takut akan rasa yang asem/asam | Acerophobia | Acerophobic |
4 | Takut akan situasi yang gelap atau kegelapan | Achluophobia | Achluophobic |
5 | Takut akan suara | Acousticophobia | Acousticophobic |
6 | Takut akan ketinggian | Acrophobia | Acrophobic |
7 | Takut akan tempat tinggi yang terbuka | Aeroacrophobia | Aeroacrophobic |
8 | Takut ingin muntah atau mabuk udara | Aeronausiphobia | Aeronausiphobic |
9 | Takut meneguk, menghirup udara, atau material beracun yang ada di udara | Aerophobia | Aerophobic |
10 | Takut akan kegilaan | Agateophobia | Agateophobic |
11 | Takut akan rasa sakit | Agliophobia | Agliophobic |
12 | Takut pada tempat terbuka, takut di kerumunan orang, tempat umum seperti pasar | Agoraphobia | Agoraphobic |
13 | Takut akan pelecehan seksual | Agraphobia | Agraphobic |
14 | Takut kepada hewan liar | Agrizoophobia | Agrizoophobic |
15 | Takut pada jalan atau hendak menyebrang jalan | Agyrophobia | Agyrophobic |
16 | Takut pada jarum atau benda benda yang mempunyai ujung | Aichmophobia | Aichmophobic |
17 | Takut pada hewan kucing | Ailurophobia | Ailurophobic |
18 | Takut akan penyakit ginjal | Albuminurophobia | Albuminurophobic |
19 | Takut pada hewan ayam | Alektorophobia | Alektorophobic |
20 | Takut pada rasa sakit | Algophobia | Algophobic |
21 | Takut pada bawang putih | Alliumphobia | Alliumphobic |
22 | Takut akan pendapat orang | Allodoxaphobia | Allodoxaphobic |
23 | Takut akan ketinggian | Altophobia | Altophobic |
24 | Takut akan debu | Amathophobia | Amathophobic |
25 | Takut mengendarai mobil | Amaxophobia | Amaxophobic |
26 | Takut berjalan | Ambulophobia | Ambulophobic |
27 | Takut amnesia | Amnesiphobia | Amnesiphobic |
28 | Takut pada goresan atau takut tergores | Amychophobia | Amychophobic |
29 | Takut melihat ke atas | Anablephobia | Anablephobic |
30 | Takut pada angin (Anemophobia) | Ancraophobia | Ancraophobic |
31 | Takut pada laki-laki | Androphobia | Androphobic |
32 | Takut pada angin(Ancraophobia) | Anemophobia | Anemophobic |
33 | Takut radang tenggorokan, tersedak | Anginophobia | Anginophobic |
34 | Takut pada negara dan kebudayaan inggris, dll | Anglophobia | Anglophobic |
35 | Takut pada kemarahan atau takut marah | Angrophobia | Angrophobic |
36 | Takut sikap tak bergerak suatu sambungan | Ankylophobia | Ankylophobic |
37 | Takut pada bunga | Anthrophobia or Anthophobia | Anthrophobic or Anthophobic |
38 | Takut pada orang atau masyarakat | Anthropophobia | Anthropophobic |
39 | Takut akan banjir | Antlophobia | Antlophobic |
40 | Takut hidup sendiri | Anuptaphobia | Anuptaphobic |
41 | Takut akan sesuatu yang tak berakhir | Apeirophobia | Apeirophobic |
42 | Takut disentuh (Haphephobia) | Aphenphosmphobia | Aphenphosmphobic |
43 | Takut pada lebah | Apiphobia | Apiphobic |
44 | Takut kepada orang yang diamputasi | Apotemnophobia | Apotemnophobic |
45 | Takut pada selai kacang yang menempel pada langit-langit mulut | Arachibutyrophobia | Arachibutyrophobic |
46 | Takut pada laba-laba | Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia | Arachnephobic or Arachnophobic |
47 | Takut pada angka | Arithmophobia | Arithmophobic |
48 | Takut pada laki-laki | Arrhenphobia | Arrhenphobic |
49 | Takut pada api | Arsonphobia | Arsonphobic |
50 | Takut pingsan dan takut lemah | Asthenophobia | Asthenophobic |
51 | Takut pada guntur dan kilat(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia) | Astraphobia or Astrapophobia | Astraphobic or Astrapophobic |
52 | Takut pada bintang-bintang atau hal yang berhubungan dengan angkasa | Astrophobia | Astrophobic |
53 | Takut pada benda-benda asimetris | Asymmetriphobia | Asymmetriphobic |
54 | Takut akan ataxia (diskoordinasi otot) | Ataxiophobia | Ataxiophobic |
55 | Takut akan ketidakteraturan atau ketidakrapihan | Ataxophobia | Ataxophobic |
56 | Takut akan ketidaksempurnaan | Atelophobia | Atelophobic |
57 | Takut akan runtuh atau reruntuhan | Atephobia | Atephobic |
58 | Takut dilupakan atau diabaikan atau terlupakan | Athazagoraphobia | Athazagoraphobic |
59 | Takut akan ledakan atom | Atomosophobia | Atomosophobic |
60 | Takut akan kegagalan | Atychiphobia | Atychiphobic |
61 | Takut akan seruling | Aulophobia | Aulophobic |
62 | Takut pada emas | Aurophobia | Aurophobic |
63 | Takut akan cahaya di utara | Auroraphobia | Auroraphobic |
64 | Takut pada orang yang berbau tidak sedap | Autodysomophobia | Autodysomophobic |
65 | Takut pada boneka yang berbicara melalui suara perut , makhluk-makhluk animasi, patung lilin segala sesuatu yang secara memberikan sensasi hidup | Automatonophobia | Automatonophobic |
66 | Takut kotor | Automysophobia | Automysophobic |
67 | Takut ditinggal sendiri atau menyendiri | Autophobia | Autophobic |
68 | Takut terbang | Aviophobia or Aviatophobia | Aviophobic or Aviatophobic |
69 | Takut pada mikroba | Bacillophobia | Bacillophobic |
70 | Takut pada bacteria | Bacteriophobia | Bacteriophobic |
71 | Takut pada peluru dan peluru kendali | Ballistophobia | Ballistophobic |
72 | Takut pada gravitasi | Barophobia | Barophobic |
73 | ketidakmampuan untuk berdiri Takut untuk berjalan atau jatuh | Basophobia or Basiphobia | Basophobic or Basiphobic |
74 | Takut akan tangga atau tempat sempit | Bathmophobia | Bathmophobic |
75 | Takut kedalaman | Bathophobia | Bathophobic |
76 | Takut ketinggian atau dekat dengan bangunan tinggi | Batophobia | Batophobic |
77 | Takut pada binatang amphibi, seperti katak, kadal air, salamander, dll | Batrachophobia | Batrachophobic |
78 | Takut pada peniti dan jarum (Aichmophobia) | Belonephobia | Belonephobic |
79 | Takut pada buku | Bibliophobia | Bibliophobic |
80 | Takut pada lumpur/kotoran | Blennophobia | Blennophobic |
81 | Takut pada bogey atau bogeyman | Bogyphobia | Bogyphobic |
82 | Takut pada Bolsheviks | Bolshephobia | Bolshephobic |
83 | Takut pada tanaman | Botanophobia | Botanophobic |
84 | Takut pada bau badan | Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia | Bromidrosiphobic or Bromidrophobic |
85 | Takut pada guntur dan petir | Brontophobia | Brontophobic |
86 | Takut pada kodok | Bufonophobia | Bufonophobic |
87 | Takut akan keburukan | Cacophobia | Cacophobic |
88 | Takut pada hal yang baru, kesenangan baru | Cainophobia or Cainotophobia | Cainophobic or Cainotophobic |
89 | Takut pada wanita cantik | Caligynephobia | Caligynephobic |
90 | Takut kanker | Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia | Cancerophobic or Carcinophobic |
91 | Takut pada hati/jantung | Cardiophobia | Cardiophobic |
92 | Takut pada daging | Carnophobia | Carnophobic |
93 | Takut ditertawakan | Catagelophobia | Catagelophobic |
94 | Takut melompat dari tempat tinggi dan tempat rendah | Catapedaphobia | Catapedaphobic |
95 | Takut untuk duduk | Cathisophobia | Cathisophobic |
96 | Takut akan cermin | Catoptrophobia | Catoptrophobic |
97 | Takut pada hal atau ide baru | Cenophobia or Centophobia | Cenophobic or Centophobic |
98 | Takut pada guntur dan petir(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia) | Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia | Ceraunophobic or Keraunophobic |
99 | Takut pada rambut | Chaetophobia | Chaetophobic |
100 | Takut pada hawa dingin(Frigophobia, Psychophobia) | Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia | Cheimaphobic or Cheimatophobic |
101 | Takut pada bahan kimia atau bekerja dengan bahan kimia | Chemophobia | Chemophobic |
102 | Takut pada keriangan/kegembiraan | Cherophobia | Cherophobic |
103 | Takut pada salju | Chionophobia | Chionophobic |
104 | Takut disentuh | Chiraptophobia | Chiraptophobic |
105 | Takut pada tangan | Chirophobia | Chirophobic |
106 | Takut marah atau takut pada kolera | Cholerophobia | Cholerophobic |
107 | Takut menari | Chorophobia | Chorophobic |
108 | Takut pada uang | Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia | Chrometophobic or Chrematophobic |
109 | Takut pada warna | Chromophobia or Chromatophobia | Chromophobic or Chromatophobic |
110 | Takut pada jam | Chronomentrophobia | Chronomentrophobic |
111 | Takut pada waktu | Chronophobia | Chronophobic |
112 | Takut pada makanan(Sitophobia, Sitiophobia) | Cibophobia | Cibophobic |
113 | Takut pada ruang terbatas | Claustrophobia | Claustrophobic |
114 | Takut terkunci di tempat tertutup | Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia | Cleithrophobic or Cleisiophobic |
115 | Takut kecurian | Cleptophobia | Cleptophobic |
116 | Takut pada tangga, mamanjat, atau takut jatuh dari tangga | Climacophobia | Climacophobic |
117 | Takut untuk tidur | Clinophobia | Clinophobic |
118 | Takut untuk disertakan | Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia | Clithrophobic or Cleithrophobic |
119 | Takut pada sengatan | Cnidophobia | Cnidophobic |
120 | Takut pada kuburan | Coimetrophobia | Coimetrophobic |
121 | Takut unutk bersetubuh | Coitophobia | Coitophobic |
122 | Takut pada komet | Cometophobia | Cometophobic |
123 | Takut pada sumpit | Consecotaleophobia | Consecotaleophobic |
124 | Takut akan pelecehan seksual | Contreltophobia | Contreltophobic |
125 | Takut akan sembelit | Coprastasophobia | Coprastasophobic |
126 | Takut pada kotoran/tinja | Coprophobia | Coprophobic |
127 | Takut pada badut | Coulrophobia | Coulrophobic |
128 | Preferensi para phobia untuk situasi yang menakutkan | Counterphobia | Counterphobic |
129 | Takut pada situasi berbahaya | Cremnophobia | Cremnophobic |
130 | Takut pada dingin yang ekstrim, es atau beku | Cryophobia | Cryophobic |
131 | Takut pada kristal atau kaca | Crystallophobia | Crystallophobic |
132 | Takut pada komputer atau bekerja menggunakan komputer | Cyberphobia | Cyberphobic |
133 | Takut pada sepeda roda dua | Cyclophobia | Cyclophobic |
134 | Takut pada ombak atau gerkan menyerupai ombak | Cymophobia or Kymophobia | Cymophobic or Kymophobic |
135 | Takut apada anjing atau rabies | Cynophobia | Cynophobic |
136 | Takut pada wanita tuna susila or penularan penyakit melalui hubungan intim | Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia | Cypridophobic or Cypriphobic or Cyprianophobic or Cyprinophobic |
137 | Takut untuk mengambil keputusan | Decidophobia | Decidophobic |
138 | Takut akan pergerakan isi perut yang menyakitkan | Defecaloesiophobia | Defecaloesiophobic |
139 | Takut akan makan malam dan obrolan pada saat makan malam | Deipnophobia | Deipnophobic |
140 | Takut akan kegilaan | Dementophobia | Dementophobic |
141 | Takut pada iblis | Demonophobia or Daemonophobia | Demonophobic or Daemonophobic |
142 | Takut pada kerumunan orang (Agoraphobia) | Demophobia | Demophobic |
143 | Takut pada pohon | Dendrophobia | Dendrophobic |
144 | Takut pada doktor gigi | Dentophobia | Dentophobic |
145 | Takut pada luka kulit | Dermatophobia | Dermatophobic |
146 | Takut pada penyakit kulit | Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia | Dermatosiophobic or Dermatophobic or Dermatopathophobic |
147 | Takut pada benda yang ada di sebelah kanan badan | Dextrophobia | Dextrophobic |
148 | Takut pada diabetes | Diabetophobia | Diabetophobic |
149 | Takut pergi ke sekolah | Didaskaleinophobia | Didaskaleinophobic |
150 | Takut akan keadilan | Dikephobia | Dikephobic |
151 | Takut akan kepeningan/kepusinngan atau whirlpool | Dinophobia | Dinophobic |
152 | Takut akan penglihatan ganda | Diplophobia | Diplophobic |
153 | Takut pada minuman | Dipsophobia | Dipsophobic |
154 | Takut membuka baju didepan seseorang | Dishabiliophobia | Dishabiliophobic |
155 | Takut pada rumah atau berada di dalam rumah(Eicophobia, Oikophobia) | Domatophobia | Domatophobic |
156 | Takut pada bulu, atau bulu binatang | Doraphobia | Doraphobic |
157 | Takut mengemukakan pendapat atau menerima pujian | Doxophobia | Doxophobic |
158 | Takut menyebrang jalan | Dromophobia | Dromophobic |
159 | Takut pada orang belanda | Dutchphobia | Dutchphobic |
160 | Takut pada kelainan bentuk/bentuk yang cacat | Dysmorphophobia | Dysmorphophobic |
161 | Takut pada kecelakaan | Dystychiphobia | Dystychiphobic |
162 | Takut pada gereja | Ecclesiophobia | Ecclesiophobic |
163 | Takut pada kampung halaman/rumah sendiri | Ecophobia | Ecophobic |
164 | Takut pada lingkungan sekitar rumah(Domatophobia, Oikophobia) | Eicophobia | Eicophobic |
165 | Takut pada cermin atau melihat diri sendiri pada cermin | Eisoptrophobia | Eisoptrophobic |
166 | Takut pada listrik | Electrophobia | Electrophobic |
167 | Takut akan kebebasan | Eleutherophobia | Eleutherophobic |
168 | Takut pada kucing (Ailurophobia) | Elurophobia | Elurophobic |
169 | Takut muntah/ muntahan | Emetophobia | Emetophobic |
170 | Takut pada peniti | Enetophobia | Enetophobic |
171 | Takut pada kerumunan orang | Enochlophobia | Enochlophobic |
172 | Takut mengalami dosa tak termaafkana atau takut kecaman | Enosiophobia or Enissophobia | Enosiophobic or Enissophobic |
173 | Takut pada serangga | Entomophobia | Entomophobic |
174 | Takut pada senja atau subuh | Eosophobia | Eosophobic |
175 | Takut pada anak muda | Ephebiphobia | Ephebiphobic |
176 | Takut pada hidung berdarah | Epistaxiophobia | Epistaxiophobic |
177 | Talut pada ilmu pengetahuan | Epistemophobia | Epistemophobic |
178 | Takut pada kuda | Equinophobia | Equinophobic |
179 | Takut sendirian atau ditinggal sendirian | Eremophobia | Eremophobic |
180 | Takut muka memerah | Ereuthrophobia | Ereuthrophobic |
181 | 1) Takut pada pekerjaan 2) ahli bedah : Takut untuk mengoperasi | Ergasiophobia | Ergasiophobic |
182 | Takut unutk bekerja | Ergophobia | Ergophobic |
183 | Takut pada cinta seksual atau pertanyaan seksual | Erotophobia | Erotophobic |
184 | 1) Takut pada lampu merah 2) memerah 3) warna merah | Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia | Erythrophobic or Erytophobic or Ereuthophobic |
185 | Takut mendengarkan kabar baik | Euphobia | Euphobic |
186 | Takut pada alat kelamin wanita | Eurotophobia | Eurotophobic |
187 | Takut akan demam | Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia | Febriphobic or Fibriphobic or Fibriophobic |
188 | Takut pada kucing (Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia) | Felinophobia | Felinophobic |
189 | Takut pada negara dan kebudayaan perancis (Gallophobia, Galiophobia) | Francophobia | Francophobic |
190 | Takut dingin atau benda-benda yang dingin(Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia) | Frigophobia | Frigophobic |
191 | Takut pada Kucing | Galeophobia or Gatophobia | Galeophobic or Gatophobic |
192 | Takut pada negara dan kebudayaan perancis (Francophobia) | Gallophobia or Galiophobia | Gallophobic or Galiophobic |
193 | Takut akan pernikahan | Gamophobia | Gamophobic |
194 | Takut tertawa | Geliophobia | Geliophobic |
195 | Takut pada dagu | Geniophobia | Geniophobic |
196 | Takut pada sex | Genophobia | Genophobic |
197 | Takut pada lutut | Genuphobia | Genuphobic |
198 | Takut melewati jembatan | Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia | Gephyrophobic or Gephydrophobic or Gephysrophobic |
199 | Takut menjadi tua | Gerascophobia | Gerascophobic |
200 | Takut pada bangsa dan kebudayaan jerman | Germanophobia | Germanophobic |
201 | Takut pada orang tua/lanjut usia dan takut menjadi tua | Gerontophobia | Gerontophobic |
202 | Takut pada cita rasa/selera | Geumaphobia or Geumophobia | Geumaphobic or Geumophobic |
203 | Takut berbicara di depan umum, atau takut mencoba untuk berbicara | Glossophobia | Glossophobic |
204 | Takut pada ilmu pengetahuan | Gnosiophobia | Gnosiophobic |
205 | Takut unutk menulis atau takut pada tulisan tangan | Graphophobia | Graphophobic |
206 | Takut pada kedaan telanjang | Gymnophobia | Gymnophobic |
207 | Takut pada wanita | Gynephobia or Gynophobia | Gynephobic or Gynophobic |
208 | Takut neraka | Hadephobia | Hadephobic |
209 | Takut pada orang suci dan segala sesuatu yang suci | Hagiophobia | Hagiophobic |
210 | Takut berbuat dosa | Hamartophobia | Hamartophobic |
211 | Takut disentuh | Haphephobia or Haptephobia | Haphephobic or Haptephobic |
212 | Takut dirampok | Harpaxophobia | Harpaxophobic |
213 | Takut melakukan/mendapat kesenangan | Hedonophobia | Hedonophobic |
214 | Takut pada matahari | Heliophobia | Heliophobic |
215 | Takut pada istilah-istilah yunani atau terminologi ilmu pengetahuan yang kompleks | Hellenologophobia | Hellenologophobic |
216 | Takut dikerubuti oleh cacing | Helminthophobia | Helminthophobic |
217 | Takut pada darah | Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia | Hemophobic or Hemaphobic or Hematophobic |
218 | Takut akan tantangan pada ajaran resmi atau penyimpangan radikal | Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia | Heresyphobic or Hereiophobic |
219 | Takut pada reptil atau binatang merayap yang mengerikan | Herpetophobia | Herpetophobic |
220 | Takut pada lawan jenis (Sexophobia) | Heterophobia | Heterophobic |
221 | Takut pada nomor 666 | Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia | Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic |
222 | Takut pada pendeta atau hal-hal keramat | Hierophobia | Hierophobic |
223 | Takut pada kuda | Hippophobia | Hippophobic |
224 | Takut pada kata-kata panjang | Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia | Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobic |
225 | Takut pada gelandangan dan pengemis | Hobophobia | Hobophobic |
226 | Takut untuk melakukan perjalanan darat | Hodophobia | Hodophobic |
227 | Takut pada kabut | Homichlophobia | Homichlophobic |
228 | Takut pada khotbah/nasehat | Homilophobia | Homilophobic |
229 | Takut pada laki-laki | Hominophobia | Hominophobic |
230 | Takut pada kesamaan, monotony atau homoseksual atau menjadi homoseks | Homophobia | Homophobic |
231 | Takut pada senjata api | Hoplophobia | Hoplophobic |
232 | Takut pada goncangan/getaran | Hormephobia | Hormephobic |
233 | Takut pada obat-obatan yang mengandung merkuri | Hydrargyophobia | Hydrargyophobic |
234 | Takut pada air atau rabies | Hydrophobia | Hydrophobic |
235 | Takut pada rabies | Hydrophobophobia | Hydrophobophobic |
236 | Takut pada kaca | Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia | Hyelophobic or Hyalophobic |
237 | Takut pada benda cair, kelembabpan | Hygrophobia | Hygrophobic |
238 | Takut akan materialisme atau takut akan epilepsi | Hylephobia | Hylephobic |
239 | Takut pada hutan | Hylophobia | Hylophobic |
240 | Takut untuk melakukan tanggung jawab | Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia | Hypengyophobic or Hypegiaphobic |
241 | Takut untuk tidur atau Takut dihipnotis | Hypnophobia | Hypnophobic |
242 | Takut pada ketinggian | Hypsiphobia | Hypsiphobic |
243 | Takut pergi ke doktor atau takut pada doktor | Iatrophobia | Iatrophobic |
244 | Takut pada ikan | Ichthyophobia | Ichthyophobic |
245 | Takut pada ide-ide | Ideophobia | Ideophobic |
246 | Takut vertigo atau merasa pusing jika melihat ke bawah | Illyngophobia | Illyngophobic |
247 | Takut pada serangga | Insectophobia | Insectophobic |
248 | Takut pada racun | Iophobia | Iophobic |
249 | Takut diasingkan, atau sendirian | Isolophobia | Isolophobic |
250 | Takut pada rayap, serangga yang memakan kayu | Isopterophobia | Isopterophobic |
251 | Takut untuk melihat, memikirkan atau mengalami ereksi | Ithyphallophobia | Ithyphallophobic |
252 | Takut pada orang jepang | Japanophobia | Japanophobic |
253 | Takut pada orang yahudi | Judeophobia | Judeophobic |
254 | Takut akan sesuatu yang baru,ide baru | Kainolophobia or Kainophobia | Kainolophobic or Kainophobic |
255 | Takut akan kegagalan atau dikalahkan | Kakorrhaphiophobia | Kakorrhaphiophobic |
256 | Takut ditertawakan | Katagelophobia | Katagelophobic |
257 | Takut untuk duduk | Kathisophobia | Kathisophobic |
258 | Takut pada kekosongan atau tempat yang kosong | Kenophobia | Kenophobic |
259 | Takut pada guntur dan petir(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia) | Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia | Keraunophobic or Ceraunophobic |
260 | Takut pada gerakan | Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia | Kinetophobic or Kinesophobic |
261 | Takut kecurian/mencuri | Kleptophobia | Kleptophobic |
262 | Takut pada ruangan | Koinoniphobia | Koinoniphobic |
263 | Takut pada alat kelamin, khusunya alat kelamin wanita | Kolpophobia | Kolpophobic |
264 | Takut pada debu (Amathophobia) | Koniophobia | Koniophobic |
265 | Takut kelelahan/kepenatan | Kopophobia | Kopophobic |
266 | Takut pada fenomena luar angkasa | Kosmikophobia | Kosmikophobic |
267 | Takut pada ombakgelombang (Cymophobia) | Kymophobia | Kymophobic |
268 | Takut rabies | Kynophobia | Kynophobic |
269 | Takut unutk berhenti | Kyphophobia | Kyphophobic |
270 | Takut pada sayuran | Lachanophobia | Lachanophobic |
271 | Takut untuk berbicara | Laliophobia or Lalophobia | Laliophobic or Lalophobic |
272 | Takut pada penyakit kusta | Leprophobia or Lepraphobia | Leprophobic or Lepraphobic |
273 | Takut pada warna putih | Leukophobia | Leukophobic |
274 | Takut pada sesuatu di sebelah kiri tubuh | Levophobia | Levophobic |
275 | Takut pada suara keras/kencang | Ligyrophobia | Ligyrophobic |
276 | Takut pada topan dan angin puyuh | Lilapsophobia | Lilapsophobic |
277 | Takut pada danau | Limnophobia | Limnophobic |
278 | Takut pada tali | Linonophobia | Linonophobic |
279 | Takut pada tuntutan hukum | Liticaphobia | Liticaphobic |
280 | Takut pada kelahiran anak | Lockiophobia | Lockiophobic |
281 | Takut pada komputer | Logizomechanophobia | Logizomechanophobic |
282 | Takut pada kata-kata | Logophobia | Logophobic |
283 | Takut pada shipilis | Luiphobia | Luiphobic |
284 | Takut pada berang-berang | Lutraphobia | Lutraphobic |
285 | Takut pada kegelapan/takut gelap | Lygophobia | Lygophobic |
286 | Takut pada rabies atau menjadi gila | Lyssophobia | Lyssophobic |
287 | Takut akan menunggu lama | Macrophobia | Macrophobic |
288 | Takut untuk memasak | Mageirocophobia | Mageirocophobic |
289 | Takut pada kelahiran anak | Maieusiophobia | Maieusiophobic |
290 | Takut pada permainan cinta (Sarmassophobia) | Malaxophobia | Malaxophobic |
291 | Takut pada kegilaan | Maniaphobia | Maniaphobic |
292 | Takut pada hukuman | Mastigophobia | Mastigophobic |
293 | Takut pada mesin | Mechanophobia | Mechanophobic |
294 | Takut kehilangan ereksi | Medomalacuphobia | Medomalacuphobic |
295 | Takut pada ereksi penis | Medorthophobia | Medorthophobic |
296 | Takut pada benda-benda yang besar | Megalophobia | Megalophobic |
297 | Takut pada warna hitam | Melanophobia | Melanophobic |
298 | Takut pada lebah | Melissophobia | Melissophobic |
299 | Takut atau benci musik | Melophobia | Melophobic |
300 | Takut pada penyakit otak | Meningitophobia | Meningitophobic |
301 | Takut pada mentruasi | Menophobia | Menophobic |
302 | Takut terikat atau diikat | Merinthophobia | Merinthophobic |
303 | Takut pada logam | Metallophobia | Metallophobic |
304 | Takut pada perubahan | Metathesiophobia | Metathesiophobic |
305 | Takut pada meteor | Meteorophobia | Meteorophobic |
306 | Takut pada alkohol | Methyphobia | Methyphobic |
307 | Takut atau benci pada puisi | Metrophobia | Metrophobic |
308 | Takut pada mikroba (Bacillophobia) | Microbiophobia | Microbiophobic |
309 | Takut pada benda-benda kecil | Microphobia | Microphobic |
310 | Takut terkontaminasi kotoran atau kuman | Misophobia or Mysophobia | Misophobic or Mysophobic |
311 | Takut pada kenangan | Mnemophobia | Mnemophobic |
312 | tajut pada kotoran atau kontaminasi | Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia | Molysmophobic or Molysomophobic |
313 | Takut pada penyakit tertentu/nyata | Monopathophobia | Monopathophobic |
314 | Takut pada pengasingan atau diasingkan | Monophobia | Monophobic |
315 | Takut pada kendaraan bermotor | Motorphobia | Motorphobic |
316 | Takut pada ngengat | Mottephobia | Mottephobic |
317 | Takut pada tikus | Musophobia or Muriphobia | Musophobic or Muriphobic |
318 | Takut atau keseganan pada jamur | Mycophobia | Mycophobic |
319 | Takut akan benda-benda yang kecil | Mycrophobia | Mycrophobic |
320 | Takut gelap/kegelapan | Myctophobia | Myctophobic |
321 | Takut pada semut | Myrmecophobia | Myrmecophobic |
322 | Takut pada mitos atau cerita atau pernyataan salah | Mythophobia | Mythophobic |
323 | Takut pada kotoran (Blennophobia) | Myxophobia | Myxophobic |
324 | Takut pada anjing (Homichlophobia) | Nebulaphobia | Nebulaphobic |
325 | Takut mati atau benda/sesuatu yang mati | Necrophobia | Necrophobic |
326 | Takut pada kaca | Nelophobia | Nelophobic |
327 | Takut pada obat-obatan baru | Neopharmaphobia | Neopharmaphobic |
328 | Takut pada segala sesuatu yang baru | Neophobia | Neophobic |
329 | Takut pada awan | Nephophobia | Nephophobic |
330 | Takut pada malam | Noctiphobia | Noctiphobic |
331 | Takut pada nama | Nomatophobia | Nomatophobic |
332 | Takut pada rumah sakit | Nosocomephobia | Nosocomephobic |
333 | Takut sakit | Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia | Nosophobic or Nosemaphobic |
334 | Takut untuk kembali ke rumah | Nostophobia | Nostophobic |
335 | Takut pada ibu tiri | Novercaphobia | Novercaphobic |
336 | Takut pada senjata nuklir | Nucleomituphobia | Nucleomituphobic |
337 | Takut telanjang | Nudophobia | Nudophobic |
338 | Takut pada angka | Numerophobia | Numerophobic |
339 | Takut pada hutan yang gelap atau hutan pada malam hari | Nyctohylophobia | Nyctohylophobic |
340 | Takut pada kegelapan atau takut pada malam hari | Nyctophobia | Nyctophobic |
341 | Takut bertambah berat badan (Pocrescophobia) | Obesophobia | Obesophobic |
342 | Takut pada kerumunan atau gerombolan orang banyak | Ochlophobia | Ochlophobic |
343 | Takut pada kendaraan | Ochophobia | Ochophobic |
344 | Takut pada angka 8 | Octophobia | Octophobic |
345 | Takut pada gigi atau preasi gigi | Odontophobia | Odontophobic |
346 | Takut sakit/kesakitan (Algophobia) | Odynophobia or Odynephobia | Odynophobic or Odynephobic |
347 | Takut pada wine | Oenophobia | Oenophobic |
348 | Takut pada lingkungan rumah, rumah(Domatophobia, Eicophobia) | Oikophobia | Oikophobic |
349 | Takut pada bau-bauan | Olfactophobia | Olfactophobic |
350 | Takut pada hujan atau takut kehujanan | Ombrophobia | Ombrophobic |
351 | Takut pada mata | Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia | Ommetaphobic or Ommatophobic |
352 | Takut mimpi basah | Oneirogmophobia | Oneirogmophobic |
353 | Takut pada mimpi | Oneirophobia | Oneirophobic |
354 | Takut mendengarkan kata atau nama tertentu | Onomatophobia | Onomatophobic |
355 | Takut pada ular (Snakephobia) | Ophidiophobia | Ophidiophobic |
356 | Takut ditatap orang lain | Ophthalmophobia | Ophthalmophobic |
357 | Takut pada pengalaman doktor pengobatan menulis resep unutk penyakit pasiennya | Opiophobia | Opiophobic |
358 | Takut pada mata yang terbuka sebelah | Optophobia | Optophobic |
359 | Takut pada burung | Ornithophobia | Ornithophobic |
360 | Takut pada lahan/properti | Orthophobia | Orthophobic |
361 | Takut pada bau yang tak sedap | Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia | Osmophobic or Osphresiophobic |
362 | Takut pada kerang | Ostraconophobia | Ostraconophobic |
363 | Takut pada surga | Ouranophobia or Uranophobia | Ouranophobic or Uranophobic |
364 | Takut pada es atau beku | Pagophobia | Pagophobic |
365 | Takut pada segala hal | Panophobia or Pantophobia | Panophobic or Pantophobic |
366 | Takut pada penderitaan dan penyakit | Panthophobia | Panthophobic |
367 | Takut pada Paus(pimpinan tertinggi katholik roma) | Papaphobia | Papaphobic |
368 | Taut pada kertas | Papyrophobia | Papyrophobic |
369 | Takut untuk mengabaikan tugas dan bertanggung jawab | Paralipophobia | Paralipophobic |
370 | Takut pada perbuatan seks tak wajar | Paraphobia | Paraphobic |
371 | Takut pada parasit | Parasitophobia | Parasitophobic |
372 | Takut pada hari jumat tanggal 13 | Paraskavedekatriaphobia | Paraskavedekatriaphobic |
373 | Takut pada perawan atau wanita muda | Parthenophobia | Parthenophobic |
374 | Takut pada kelahiran anak | Parturiphobia | Parturiphobic |
375 | Takut pada penyakit | Pathophobia | Pathophobic |
376 | Takut pada keturunan/hal yang baka/abadi | Patroiophobia | Patroiophobic |
377 | Takut berdosa atau membayangkan kejahatan | Peccatophobia | Peccatophobic |
378 | Takut pada kutu | Pediculophobia | Pediculophobic |
379 | Takut pada boneka | Pediophobia | Pediophobic |
380 | Takut pada anak-anak | Pedophobia | Pedophobic |
381 | Takut pada orang botak/plontos/gundul | Peladophobia | Peladophobic |
382 | Takut pada penyakit yang disebabkan oleh makanan | Pellagrophobia | Pellagrophobic |
383 | Takut pada kemiskinan | Peniaphobia | Peniaphobic |
384 | Takut apda ibu mertua (Novercaphobia) | Pentheraphobia | Pentheraphobic |
385 | Takut untuk menelan,makan atau takut dimakan | Phagophobia | Phagophobic |
386 | Takut menjadi botak | Phalacrophobia | Phalacrophobic |
387 | Takut pada penis, terutama yang ereksi | Phallophobia | Phallophobic |
388 | Takut untuk menjalankan pengobatan | Pharmacophobia | Pharmacophobic |
389 | Taku pada obat-obatan | Pharmacophobia | Pharmacophobic |
390 | Takut pada hantu | Phasmophobia | Phasmophobic |
391 | Takut pada siang hari atau sinar matahari | Phengophobia | Phengophobic |
392 | Takut berciuman | Philemaphobia or Philematophobia | Philemaphobic or Philematophobic |
393 | Takut jatuh cinta atau dicintai | Philophobia | Philophobic |
394 | Takut pada filosofi | Philosophobia | Philosophobic |
395 | Takut pada phobia | Phobophobia | Phobophobic |
396 | Takut pada suara,atau suarnya sendiri di telepon | Phonophobia | Phonophobic |
397 | Takut pada cahaya terang | Photoaugliaphobia | Photoaugliaphobic |
398 | Takut pada cahaya | Photophobia | Photophobic |
399 | Takut unutk berfikir | Phronemophobia | Phronemophobic |
400 | Takut pada kutu (Pediculophobia) | Phthiriophobia | Phthiriophobic |
401 | Takut pada TBC | Phthisiophobia | Phthisiophobic |
402 | Takut pada batu nisan | Placophobia | Placophobic |
403 | Takut kaya/menjadi kaya/kekayaan | Plutophobia | Plutophobic |
404 | Takut hujan atau kehujanan | Pluviophobia | Pluviophobic |
405 | Takut pada roh | Pneumatiphobia | Pneumatiphobic |
406 | Takut tersedak atau takut tercekik | Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia | Pnigophobic or Pnigerophobic |
407 | Takut bertambah berat badan (Obesophobia) | Pocrescophobia | Pocrescophobic |
408 | Takut pada jenggot | Pogonophobia | Pogonophobic |
409 | Takut akan hukuman | Poinephobia | Poinephobic |
410 | Takut penyakit lumpuh | Poliosophobia | Poliosophobic |
411 | Takut atau ketidaksukaan berlebih terhadap politisi | Politicophobia | Politicophobic |
412 | Takut akan banyak hal | Polyphobia | Polyphobic |
413 | Takut terlalu banyak kerja atau kesakitan | Ponophobia | Ponophobic |
414 | Takut pada warna ungu | Porphyrophobia | Porphyrophobic |
415 | Takut pada sungai atau air mengalir | Potamophobia | Potamophobic |
416 | Takut pada alkohol | Potophobia | Potophobic |
417 | Takut pada rectums | Proctophobia | Proctophobic |
418 | Takut pada perkembangan | Prosophobia | Prosophobic |
419 | Takut berbicara gagap | Psellismophobia | Psellismophobic |
420 | Takut pada pikiran | Psychophobia | Psychophobic |
421 | Takut pada dingin | Psychrophobia | Psychrophobic |
422 | Takut terbang | Pteromerhanophobia | Pteromerhanophobic |
423 | Takut dikelitik bulu | Pteronophobia | Pteronophobic |
424 | Takut pada boneka/wayang | Pupaphobia | Pupaphobic |
425 | Takut pada demam | Pyrexiophobia | Pyrexiophobic |
426 | Takut pada api | Pyrophobia | Pyrophobic |
427 | Takut pada radiasi, sinar x | Radiophobia | Radiophobic |
428 | Takut pada katak | Ranidaphobia | Ranidaphobic |
429 | Takut pada rectum atau penyakit dubur | Rectophobia | Rectophobic |
430 | Takut akan dihukum berat atau dipukul dengan balok, atau dikecam keras juga takut pada hal magis (tongkat sihir) | Rhabdophobia | Rhabdophobic |
431 | Takut buang air besar | Rhypophobia | Rhypophobic |
432 | Takut mendapat kerutan | Rhytiphobia | Rhytiphobic |
433 | Takut pada debu | Rupophobia | Rupophobic |
434 | Takut pada orang rusia | Russophobia | Russophobic |
435 | Samhainophobia: Takut pada Halloween | Samhainophobic: Takut pada Halloween | |
436 | Takut pada permainan cinta (Malaxophobia) | Sarmassophobia | Sarmassophobic |
437 | Takut pada setan | Satanophobia | Satanophobic |
438 | Takut pada kudis | Scabiophobia | Scabiophobic |
439 | Takut pada masalah feses | Scatophobia | Scatophobic |
440 | Takut pada orang jahat atau perampok | Scelerophibia | Scelerophibic |
441 | Takut pada bayangan | Sciophobia Sciaphobia | Sciophobic Sciaphobic |
442 | Takut pada cacing | Scoleciphobia | Scoleciphobic |
443 | Takut sekolah | Scolionophobia | Scolionophobic |
444 | Takut dilihat atau ditatap orang | Scopophobia or Scoptophobia | Scopophobic or Scoptophobic |
445 | Takut kebutaan visual | Scotomaphobia | Scotomaphobic |
446 | Takut pada keggelapan (Achluophobia) | Scotophobia | Scotophobic |
447 | Takut menunggu di tempat umum | Scriptophobia | Scriptophobic |
448 | Takut pada hiu | Selachophobia | Selachophobic |
449 | Takut pada kilasan cahaya | Selaphobia | Selaphobic |
450 | Takut pada bulan | Selenophobia | Selenophobic |
451 | Takut pada benda membusuk | Seplophobia | Seplophobic |
452 | Takut pada kata-kata panjang | Sesquipedalophobia | Sesquipedalophobic |
453 | Takut pada lawan jenis (Heterophobia) | Sexophobia | Sexophobic |
454 | Takut pada kereta, rel kereta api atau berpergian dengan kereta api | Siderodromophobia | Siderodromophobic |
455 | Talut pada bintang-bintang di langit | Siderophobia | Siderophobic |
456 | Takut pada benda di sebelah kiriatau kidal | Sinistrophobia | Sinistrophobic |
457 | Takut pada bangsa dan kebudayaan cina | Sinophobia | Sinophobic |
458 | Taut pada makanan atau takut makan (Cibophobia) | Sitophobia or Sitiophobia | Sitophobic or Sitiophobic |
459 | Taut pada ular (Ophidiophobia) | Snakephobia | Snakephobic |
460 | Soceraphobia-Takut pada orang tua angkat | Soceraphobic-Takut pada orang tua angkat | |
461 | Takut dievaluasi negatif dalam lingkungan sosial | Social Phobia | Social Phobic |
462 | Takut pada masyarakat atau orang secara umum | Sociophobia | Sociophobic |
463 | Takut tidur | Somniphobia | Somniphobic |
464 | Takut untuk bersandar | Sophophobia | Sophophobic |
465 | Takut bergantung pada orang lain | Soteriophobia | Soteriophobic |
466 | Takut pada angkasa luar | Spacephobia | Spacephobic |
467 | Takut pada hantu | Spectrophobia | Spectrophobic |
468 | Takut pada kuman | Spermatophobia or Spermophobia | Spermatophobic or Spermophobic |
469 | Takut pada ngengat | Spheksophobia | Spheksophobic |
470 | Takut unutk berdiri atau berjalan (Ambulophobia) | Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia | Stasibasiphobic or Stasiphobic |
471 | Takut pada salib dan takut disalibkan | Staurophobia | Staurophobic |
472 | Takut pada benda atau tempat sempit | Stenophobia | Stenophobic |
473 | Takut pada neraka | Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia | Stygiophobic or Stigiophobic |
474 | Takut pada tikus | Suriphobia | Suriphobic |
475 | Takut pada simbolisme | Symbolophobia | Symbolophobic |
476 | Takut pada benda simetris | Symmetrophobia | Symmetrophobic |
477 | Takut pada orang dekat/keluarga | Syngenesophobia | Syngenesophobic |
478 | Takut pada syphilis | Syphilophobia | Syphilophobic |
479 | Takut pada kecepatan | Tachophobia | Tachophobic |
480 | Takut pada cacing pita | Taeniophobia or Teniophobia | Taeniophobic or Teniophobic |
481 | Tajut dikubur hidup-hidup atau takut kuburan | Taphephobia Taphophobia | Taphephobic Taphophobic |
482 | Takut menular | Tapinophobia | Tapinophobic |
483 | Takut pada banteng | Taurophobia | Taurophobic |
484 | Takut pada teknologi | Technophobia | Technophobic |
485 | 1) Takut pada rencana tertentu 2) takut acara keagamaan | Teleophobia | Teleophobic |
486 | Takut pada telepon | Telephonophobia | Telephonophobic |
487 | tkut melahirkan anak yang buruk atau takut pada monster atau takut orang berpenampilan buruk | Teratophobia | Teratophobic |
488 | Takut untuk menjalani test | Testophobia | Testophobic |
489 | Takut kejang mulut atau takut tetanus | Tetanophobia | Tetanophobic |
490 | Takut segala sesuatu tetang jerman | Teutophobia | Teutophobic |
491 | Takut pada bahan kain tertentu | Textophobia | Textophobic |
492 | Takut unutk duduk | Thaasophobia | Thaasophobic |
493 | Takut pada lautan | Thalassophobia | Thalassophobic |
494 | Takut mati atau sekarat | Thanatophobia or Thantophobia | Thanatophobic or Thantophobic |
495 | Takut pada teater/bioskop | Theatrophobia | Theatrophobic |
496 | Taut pada teology | Theologicophobia | Theologicophobic |
497 | Takut pada tuhan atau suatu agama | Theophobia | Theophobic |
498 | Takut kepanasan | Thermophobia | Thermophobic |
499 | Takut pada kehamilan dan kelahiran anak | Tocophobia | Tocophobic |
500 | Takut dioperasi | Tomophobia | Tomophobic |
501 | Takut akan guntur | Tonitrophobia | Tonitrophobic |
502 | Takut pada tempat atau situasi tertentu, seperti pentas horor | Topophobia | Topophobic |
503 | Takut pada racun atau tidak sengaja keracunan | Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia | Toxiphobic or Toxophobic or Toxicophobic |
504 | Takut akan cedera | Traumatophobia | Traumatophobic |
505 | Takut menggigil | Tremophobia | Tremophobic |
506 | Takut akan penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh cacing pita babi | Trichinophobia | Trichinophobic |
507 | Takut pada rambut (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia) | Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia | Trichopathophobic or Trichophobic |
508 | Takut pada angka 13 | Triskaidekaphobia | Triskaidekaphobic |
509 | Takut untuk bergerak maju atau untuk berubah | Tropophobia | Tropophobic |
510 | Takut disuntik | Trypanophobia | Trypanophobic |
511 | Takut TBC | Tuberculophobia | Tuberculophobic |
512 | Takut pada tirani | Tyrannophobia | Tyrannophobic |
513 | Takut pada surga | Uranophobia or Ouranophobia | Uranophobic or Ouranophobic |
514 | Takut pada urine | Urophobia | Urophobic |
515 | Takut pada vaksinaasi | Vaccinophobia | Vaccinophobic |
516 | Takut pada wanita cantik | Venustraphobia | Venustraphobic |
517 | Takut pada kata-kata | Verbophobia | Verbophobic |
518 | Takut pada kuman | Verminophobia | Verminophobic |
519 | Takut pada pakaian | Vestiphobia | Vestiphobic |
520 | Takut diperkosa | Virginitiphobia | Virginitiphobic |
521 | Takut pada ayah angkat | Vitricophobia | Vitricophobic |
522 | Takut pada Walloons | Walloonphobia | Walloonphobic |
523 | Takut pada penyihir dan hal berbau sihir | Wiccaphobia | Wiccaphobic |
524 | Takut pada warna kuning atau kata "kuning" | Xanthophobia | Xanthophobic |
525 | Takut akan bahasa asing | Xenoglossophobia | Xenoglossophobic |
526 | Takut pada orang tak dikenal atau orang asing | Xenophobia | Xenophobic |
527 | Takut akan kekeringan | Xerophobia | Xerophobic |
528 | 1) Takut pada objek dari kayu 2) hutan | Xylophobia | Xylophobic |
529 | Takut pada pisau cukur | Xyrophobia | Xyrophobic |
530 | Takut cemburu | Zelophobia | Zelophobic |
531 | Takut pada tahi lalat besar | Zemmiphobia | Zemmiphobic |
532 | Takut pada tuhan atau dewa | Zeusophobia | Zeusophobic |
533 | Takut pada binatang | Zoophobia | Zoophobic |
Demikianlah daftar phobia dalam bahasa inggris terpopuler beserta penjelasannya yang dapat admin berikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga dapat bermanfaat ya. Keep learning and thank you!
[infobox style=”alert-gradient”]
- Naharika English Trainer
- What is a phobia? http://www.phobics-society.org.uk/what-is-a-phobia. Accessed on January 10th, 2017.
- Phobias: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com /articles/249347.php. Accessed on January 10th, 2017.
- Alphabetized Scientific-Phobia. http://phobialist.com/. Accessed on January 10th, 2017.
Image Source: image.google.co.id
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