Contoh Soal Modals Deduction (Present) dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Soal Modals Deduction (Present) dalam Bahasa Inggris – Welcome back! Sahabat BDBI semua tentu masih teringat dong dengan materi kita kemarin yang membahas mengenai Modals Deduction?

Weits, untuk sahabat yang belum memahami dan membaca materi kita kemarin, yuk langsung aja ke pembahasannya terlebih dahulu. Klik aja link di bawah ya. 😀

Baca Dulu: “Pengertian Modals Deduction (Present) dalam Bahasa Inggris”

Nah, untuk sahabat BDBI yang sudah membaca materinya, langsung aja tes pemahamannya dengan mengerjakan latihan di bawah ini.

Caranya mudah, sahabat cukup menyiapkan alat tulis dan kertas/buku, lalu mengisi titik-titik yang masih kosong dengan pilihan ‘Modal of Deduction’. (Baca penjelasannya dulu). Are you ready? Langsung aja cekidot!

Contoh Soal Modals Deduction (Present) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Soal Modals Deduction (Present) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Anita’s sure Ronaldo is there. She can see his Ferrari in front of the stadium.

Ronaldo ……………………….. be there. She can see his Ferrari in front of the stadium.

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My smartphone is not in my pocket. I’m sure it’s in the drawer.

My smartphone is not in my pocket. It ……………………….. be in the drawer.

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Rendy’s not sure he is going to pass the test. He doesn’t feel confident.

Rendy ……………………….. pass the test. He doesn’t feel confident.

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Jack has bought a lottery. There’s a chance he will become a millionaire.

Jack ……………………….. become a millionaire.

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His family and his girl are coming this Saturday night but he doesn’t know which day.

They ……………………….. be coming tomorrow night.

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I’m sure Michael doesn’t speak Javanese very well. He’s only lived in Jogja for a week.

Michael ……………………….. speak Javanese very well. He’s only lived in Jogja for a week.

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What?! You got a girlfried bro? 😀 That’s great. I’m sure you’re delighted.

What?! You got a girlfried bro? 😀 That’s great. You ……………………….. be delighted.

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Marquez told her that Rossi was in Indonesia, but she saw him yesterday in Bangkok so she is sure Rossi’s not abroad.

Rossi ……………………….. be abroad, she saw him in Bangkok yesterday.

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My father asked me to send his smartphone goods as soon as possible. He will receive his smartphone in an hour if the go send is fast.

My father ……………………….. receive his smartphone in an hour if the go send is fast.

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They told Siska to prepare the project by tomorrow but it’s alomost impossible to have it done so fast.

Siska ……………………….. finish the project if she stays at work all night, but she is not sure.

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Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Modals Deduction (Present)

Anita’s sure Ronaldo is there. She can see his Ferrari in front of the stadium.

Ronaldo must be there. She can see his Ferrari in front of the stadium.

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Klik Like Share untuk melihat kunci jawaban lainnya… 😀

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My smartphone is not in my pocket. I’m sure it’s in the drawer.

My smartphone is not in my pocket. It must be in the drawer.

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Rendy’s not sure he is going to pass the test. He doesn’t feel confident.

Rendy may not/might not pass the test. He doesn’t feel confident.

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Jack has bought a lottery. There’s a chance he will become a millionaire.

Jack may/might/could become a millionaire.

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His family and his girl are coming this Saturday night but he doesn’t know which day.

They may/could/might be coming tomorrow night.

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I’m sure Michael doesn’t speak Javanese very well. He’s only lived in Jogja for a week.

Michael can’t speak Javanese very well. He’s only lived in Jogja for a week.

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What?! You got a girlfried bro? 😀 That’s great. I’m sure you’re delighted. #Jomblo gak boleh marah

What?! You got a girlfried bro? 😀 That’s great. You must be delighted.

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Marquez told her that Rossi was in Indonesia, but she saw him yesterday in Bangkok so she is sure Rossi’s not abroad.

Rossi can’t be abroad, she saw him in Bangkok yesterday.

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My father asked me to send his smartphone goods as soon as possible. He will receive his smartphone in an hour if the go send is fast.

My father may/might/could receive his smartphone in an hour if the go send is fast.

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They told Siska to prepare the project by tomorrow but it’s alomost impossible to have it done so fast.

Siska may/might/could finish the project if she stays at work all night, but she is not sure.


Demikianlah penjelasan tambahan mengenai Modals of Deduction dengan menghadirkan Contoh Soal Modals Deduction (Present) dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dapat kami berikan untuk sahabat BDBI semua. Semoga dapat  bermanfaat ya, keep learning and thank you. 😀

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